"Veronica is hired by the campus newspaper to do an undercover expose on the Zeta Theta sorority sisters during rush week to investigate Parker's rape. Throughout the investigation, Veronica realizes that everything is not exactly what [it] seems in the sorority house. Meanwhile, Logan and Wallace participate in a prisoner/guard role-playing experiment for their Sociology class, which challenges them psychologically."
Zelda's Thoughts:
- Ugh, poor Parker. V: "The thing about being roofied and raped? You may not remember the who, when, where, or why, but you know the what."
- And both V and Mac are feeling guilty, Mac for slut shaming, V for having been in the room while it was happening but not realizing.
- And fucking Lamb calls it "wolf cry number two" when he sees Veronica, because he refuses to believe teenage girls.
- You guys, Wallace and Logan's teacher is Homer Simpson
- it's lucky he's telling them about their big assignment in the not-first-class, since we know Logan missed that class
- This Theta Beta house is full on Stepford Terrifying
- gasp a vampire!
- Wallace and Logan continue their maybe-friendship with a side bet of which side will win the prisoner experiment.
- it's cool how this douche gets to brush off being offensive and racist and twelve shades of awful as "just playing the part." that's super cool
- good job, Keith! you used the animal trap in this weird weird side plot to take Cormac down
- ... well, hobble him anyway
- ah okay so Liam was the one tracking Cormac through Vinnie's pen
- I still don't think I get why Cormac shot Kendall. I feel like I missed a step or two in the Fitzpatrick plot, which I've never really cared about anyway, but still. They're spending a lot of time and energy and valuable Keith screen time on this.
- gasp Chip Diller is back
- I just find so much of this entire prison experiment plotline unpleasant. I'm sorry I'm not more entertaining but I'm not particularly entertained by this. It's just too toxic and I'm too tired.
- Yay on top of body shaming, racism, there's also homophobia, this guy is everything worst
- Do we ever find any bodies in the Fitzpatrick storyline? Is Kendall confirmed dead? Is Cormac?
- when is this episode over
- and Mac convinces Parker to stick around and be a season regular after all
- and we finally see what was in the Pulp Fiction briefcase ... a Van Gogh. Which Keith is selling and donating the proceeds to a food bank because guilt (and also any money from that painting is blood money)
- It's really weird to hear Horshack saying Rafe (the bag of dicks played by Rider Strong) is a cool guy, that that was all an act. Is that supposed to make us okay with it? Because I'm super not okay with it.
- And at least Wallace isn't either. I guess the one good thing is Wallace won the prison experiment through outwitting the prisoners (changing the clock) rather than through the torture and abuse methods
- and now that stupid ep is over
Daniel's Thoughts:
- We continue from the previous ep. Parker is sitting in bed talking to a female cop – her head shaved.
- Now Mac & Veronica are kicking themselves for slut-shaming
- Parker’s accusation that Veronica just ‘let this happen’ is unfair, but given to what happened to her - not unexpected.
- Keith is still in the desert – oh no. Does Veronica know?
- Homer Simpson is teaching a course at Neptune University. Intro to Sociology.
- Oh man, they’re doing that thing – that prisoner/student experiment thing.
- Recurring frakking RA.
- Reporter woman wants Veronica to infiltrate a sorority to help out with the serial rape case. Quel Coincidence.
- Parker’s considering going home. And Mac doesn’t blame her. Neither do I.
- Of course Logan & Wallace are on separate sides. And of course Logan is a prisoner.
- Rider Strong of Boy Meets World fame is the lead guard. And he’s right-away acting like the part – which doesn’t bode well for his future – or what it says about him as a human being.
- Ugh, more Fitzpatricks and betrayal and I don’t care…
- Veronica’s really in hell at this sorority party. She’s pretending to act totally drunk.
- Veronica calls her weapon Mr. Sparky like Buffy called hers Mr. Pointy.
- I mean even if she’s not drunk, she still shouldn’t be just dropped off at a park.
- I never really got the point of the prison experiment – show people at their worst? I guess?
- Oh poor Keith. He’s really taking this hard. Glad he has Veronica.
- Parker’s mom is a total jerk – but I guess there has to be a reason for Parker to stay.
- Biscotti? No!
- I love when Logan/Veronica banter.
- If they escaped – why did they go somewhere where they’d get caught? I mean prisoners escape – why didn’t they just go somewhere to lay low for the rest of the night.
- Oh man – who knew. The weed.
- Hahah. Homer D’oh’ed!
- Mac convinces Parker to stay – which of course –is pretty easy. All she has to do is say ‘stay’.
- They’re really showing a divide of the ‘type’ of girl deemed to be a ‘feminist’ and then the typical sorority girl. It’s kind of offensive…
- At least the dumb prisoner experiment is over. I really couldn’t take the Rider Strong bit.
Favorite Lines:
Zelda: "Lemonade? Worst Roman orgy ever." - Veronica
Daniel: "D'oh!" -Dr. (Homer Simpson) Kinney
Neptune Roll Call: Logan, Wallace, Dick, Parker, Mac, Sheriff Don Lamb (Absent: Piz, Weevil)First Appearance: Nish Sweeney, Hallie Piatt, Mrs. Lee
Recurring: Moe Flater, Liam Fitzpatrick, Cormac Fitzpatrick, Chip Diller, Fern Delgado
Generally Known TV Face: Samm Levine, Rider Strong, Rachelle Lefevre, Dan Castellaneta (well, voice)
Dead Humans - 1Backup Sighting - 0
Veronica Breaks In - 1
Veronica Tases Someone - 0
Mac Hacks - 0
Who's Your Daddy? - 0
Wallace Does Veronica a Favor - 0
Veronica Wants a Pony - 0
Logan Punches Someone - 0
Dick's Single Entendres - 0
Shenanigans Called - 0