Episode 2.6: Halloween. Original Airdate 10.27.97
"On Halloween, Buffy and her friends patronize an unusual costume shop where customers turn into whatever costume they are wearing."
Zelda's Thoughts:
- Ahahaha throwing a gord at the vampire, then a pumpkin = Zelda laughs. I do love me some slapstick.
- Again, why does Snyder want a juvenile delinquent watching children? What is his deal? This could backfire horribly on him.
- Hi Larry! Who woulda thought you would get used so much on the show after this episode?
- "A black eye heals, Buffy, but cowardice has an unlimited shelf life."
- Buffy and Willow planning to steal Giles's journals is so freaking adorable I could die. "Most importantly, it would be wrong."
- Also I LOVE Willow's face in the window ======>
- "Do you stuff your own shirts, or do you send them out?"
- I love this episode. So cute and funny. UNLIKE FRIKKING REPTILE BOY.
- Aww Buffy wanting to be a princess. Very sweet.
- "Still, I think I'd prefer being able to vote."
- "You're never gonna get noticed if you keep hiding!" = Willow's valuable lesson of the week. Of course, Oz noticed her anyway, so ... that kinda disproves that theory.
- More evidence that Spike is a modern vampire = having his minions videotape Buffy. Also more evidence that Spike is a stalker.
- "Do you love my insides? The parts you can't see?" Dru's and Buffy's insecurities are the same.
- ...Xander has a toy gun in a public school. Xander gets expelled?
- "Is mister I'm-the-lead-singer-I'm-so-great-I-don't-have-to-show-up-for-my-date-or-even-call gonna be there?" // "Yeah, you know, he's just going by Devon now."
- ZOMG THE CHILD'S A DEMON. Yay. I love this show:
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Child or little person in make-up? You decide. |
- Xander's onscreen gunswap was pretty well done.
- Hah. Buffy faints.
- "She's not Buffy." // "Who's Buffy?" // "Oh, this is fun."
- Man, I love so many things about this episode. But SMG's attempt at an accent is not one of them.
- I love it. The dialogue is so sharp in this episode.
- "Mrs. Summers? Good, she's gone." Of course she's gone. Joyce is never home. [Worst. Mom. Ever. -Blog Gods]
- Methinks this is the start of Cordelia having a thing for Xander.
- "Well, this is just ... neat." I love you Spike.
- Yay it's the Buffy/Xander/Willow picture again!
- "I'm just meant to look pretty, and then someone nice will marry me. Probably a Baron." It's kind of cute because she's not exactly what a noblewoman of the time would be like, but she's exactly like what Buffy was imagining a girl like that would be like (a princess with no responsibilities) without fully examining the scope of it.
- So...the vamp who gets into the house is clearly not a real vamp because otherwise he wouldn't have been able to get in without an invite. I hope Angel didn't kill him.
- OMG Giles's reaction to Willow walking through the wall:
- "I'm a ghost!" // "The ghost of what, exactly?"
- Spike already has new minions ... tiny demon children. Boy works fast.
- "Hello Ripper." GASP GASP GASP
- "It's strange, but ... beating up that pirate gave me a weird sense of closure." d'aww.
- And Angel carries Princess Buffy, because she is utterly useless. And in this episode I gain a tiny bit of respect for Angel, because he's so clearly annoyed at what a useless doily she is.
- OMG Giles is a badass and beating the snot out of Ethan eeeeeeeeeee. I guess he is a good sparring partner ... just maybe not against a supernaturally strong slayerperson. Then he calmly cleans his hands with his handkerchief. Of course he STILL won't clean his freaking glasses, but I guess we can't have everything.
- Big props to the whole cast btw for this episode - good work and range all around (accent notwithstanding).
- Yay! Buffy's back.
- "You know what? It's good to be me." We all learned that lesson, yes?
- And Spike runs away again. He's really good at that. Now he'll live to snark another day.
- So this time everyone remembers what happened during magic fun time ... how will this get explained to the entire freaking town?
- Aw and yay, Willow's got her swagger.
- Not a shenanigan - Oz is driving a European van and they haven't moved the steering wheel over yet.
- Shenanigans! "I hated the girls back then, especially the noblewomen." Yeah, that's just because you were such a drunken lout, they wouldn't give you the time of day. He says he wanted someone "interesting." That's not you, Buffy. That was Darla.
- "Be seeing you." Yay! More Ethan to come!
Daniel's Thoughts:
- I think this might be the first time I've noticed that the majority of vamps Buffy fights in the opening sequences are men. Actually I think they all might be men. Odd, that.
- I like that Cordy & Angel actually at least somewhat get along, preparing for his spin-off. [Ew. - Z]
- I love love love Willow & mischievous plan to get the watcher's diary.
- Shenanigans! "Who is she?"//"It doesn't say":
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Umm...does so. It's Sarah...something |
- I love that Cordy still doesn't know that Angel is a vampire.
- Cordy: "When it comes to dating, I'm the Slayer."
- "You're a cat"//"That's just my costume" Hee.
- I had the same note as Zelda - it seems like this is the first time Cordelia shows a bit of interest in Xander. I think it's the gun. Chicks dig guys with big...guns.
- Such great dialogue in this episode and the actors sell it. Really good back & forth.
- It's Ethan Rayne! Star of "Chaos Bleeds", an awesome Buffy video game.
- Shenanigans! When Giles tells Willow to leave, after a few seconds you hear a door open and close. This is awful on so many levels. Someone in some meeting made sure to say they had to add a sound effect and no one at all thought this was a mistake since Willow is a freaking ghost??
- I love the "Be Seeing You" note that Ethan leaves for Giles: An obvious reference to the cult series The Prisoner, a surreal British series that paved the way for shows like Buffy.
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Well played, writers. Well played. |
Daniel: We need a crossfire.
Zelda: But we agree on everything.
Daniel: But we need a crossfire.
Zelda: No, we don't.
Favorite Lines:
Zelda; "It's not a demon, it's a car." // "What does it want." // "Is this woman insane?" - Willow/Buffy/Xander
Daniel: "She couldn't have dressed up like Xena?" ~Willow
Arc/Continuity Stuff:
- Cordy's dating Devon again.
- Larry's first appearance! Not yet gay.
- Halloween is supposed to be quiet time for vampires. This is rarely actually true in Sunnydale.
- Cordelia still doesn't know Angel's a vampire. Even after they tell her he's one. Several times.
- Ethan Rayne's first appearance.
- Drusilla has prophetic visions.
Voiceover - Giles
Dead Humans - 0
Dead Undeads - 1
Giles Unconscious - 0
Giles Cleans His Glasses - 0
Buffy Breaks a Door - 0
Evil Reveal - 1 (Ethan)
Unevil Reveal - 0
Shenanigans Called - 3
Apocalypse Called - 0