"Spike returns to Sunnydale and kidnaps Willow in hopes of creating a magic spell that will make Drusilla love him again."
Zelda's Thoughts:
- Yaaaaaaaaaay it's a Spike episode. Also other things happen.
- "That was my sarcastic voice." // "You know, it sounds a lot like your regular voice." // "I've been told that."
- Man, Willow, what is that shirt. What is that shirt.
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Even Alyson agrees with me here |
- Buffy's scores are good for her academic future, but ... that's not something she's thought about, because being the Slayer doesn't give her a whole lot of choices. But hey, with Faith here, maybe ... nah. Faith will turn evil and Buffy will have to stay but lucky for her they're building a UC right in Sunnydale! ... :-|
- Spike just crashed into the parking lot again. Hi Spike!
- Awww lookit the Xander photos in Cordy's locker. STAHP WHAT YOU'RE DOING WITH WILLOW, XANDER.
- Willow's voice is extra babyish today.
- And Oz gave Willow a pez witch. STAHP WHAT YOU'RE DOING WITH XANDER, WILLOW.
- Giles is going camping. Because the plot requires that he be out of the picture for Spike Hijinks.
- Look! Angel reads! And apparently can't hear Spike talking at a not-quiet decibal right outside his not-door of the mansion. Enhanced vampire hearing, my eye.
- Also on not hearing Spike yell and scream after he catches on fire. Justice is blind, but Angel is deaf.
Hi, we got past the censors - "We don't carry ... leprosy."
- What ... is with the boob thing on the wall ---->
- Seriously, Angel, you have curtains open, letting in delightful sunlight, AND you're stoking a giant fire. Someone's got suicidal thoughts.
- "So do you really need to resort to the dark arts to keep our hormones in check?" It will not be the last time she tries that method of problem-solving.
- "She wouldn't even kill me, she just left!" I love that that is the real crux of Spike's heartbreak. He wanted the epic lifetime only-ends-in-death love story.
- "Beautiful jewels, beautiful dresses with beautiful girls in them."
- "I've got an unlife, you know!"
- "If at first you don't succeed, I'll kill him and you'll try again." Basically everything Spike says. That is my recap of the episode.
- Joyce making Spike cocoa. Love it. Spike telling his tale of woe to EVERYONE. Love it.
- "You got any of those little marshmallows?"
- Ahahahaha Spike making faces at Angel behind Joyce. "You're a very bad man!"
- Oh Spike. Not large with the brilliant complicated plans are we? "He's probably just got them locked in the factory."
- They totally tricked me with this. I knew, watching it the first time, that Cordelia wasn't in the show past season three, so I genuinely believed they were killing her off here.
- Man, it's like they're not even trying to get Stunt Spike to look like JM.
- I like that the fight is enough to make Spike feel better and realize what he should do to get Dru back (of course, it doesn't work, but ...)
- Cut to: Funeral. Buffy: "So Cordelia's gonna be okay?" Fuck you, show.
- Why do we think it is that Willow and Oz are ultimately able to reconcile and Xander and Cordelia aren't? If she hadn't left to go be on Angel, would they have gotten back together? [No - Anya]
- The Musical Montage of Sad Sackness.
- Except for Spike, who is feeling awesome about himself. And also singing again. I always forget that's how the episode ends.
Daniel's Thoughts:
- Great. This whole Willow/Xander thing is going to come to a conclusion in this episode. It's about time.
- Willow is wearing orange pants again.
- "That was my sarcastic voice//It's sounds just like your real voice//I've been told that." Me too.
- Yay! Buffy got great SAT scores! No matter, she has to stay in Sunnydale anyway.
- Hey Spike! Yes, I still like Spike at this point.
- Spike is singing Frank Sinatra. But Angel knew Frank Sinatra.
- We're gonna boowwwwl tonight. We're gonna booooowl toniiight.
- Aww, Oz is so sweet with the Pez witch.
- Xander, "I wish we can make it all stop." YES, PLEASE STOP.
- SHENANIGANS! They're so inconsistent with the sunlight thing. Some vamps explode the minute sun hits them. Spike can run up steps and jump into a car without catching too much fire.
- The magic shop is still pretty small... I guess when Giles buys it, he buys the three stores next to it, too.
- Another magic shop owner's death! We shoulda kept a stat. [2 ~Stat Gods]
- I love the Mayor's banter. Some say he's too much like the Master with some of his dorky lines. I disagree.
- Spike's Dru story is awesome.
- It's alarming how trusting Joyce is of Spike especially with what he's telling her.
- Really? After all that, Buffy didn't tell her mom about Angel?
- Spike, "What do you KNOW?" Ugh, the phrase is "What do YOU know."
- SHENANIGANS! How did they not hear Cordeila and Oz breaking down the door and/or walking down the stairs?
- Ow! Cordelia! OMG!
- The fight scene in the magic shop is awesome. I love the use of the holy water vials.
- Funeral fake-out! Cheesey, but effective.
- Aww, Poor Cordy. And I love her line to Xander. She's a vengeful Cordy....
- And Buffy's speech to Angel is so heart-breaking.
- Awww, everyone is so sad. I feel bad for everyone. Except Xander.
- And Spike is the only happy one!
Willow & Xander: *smoochies*
Favorite Lines:
Zelda: "Loose cannon. Rock the boat. Is that a mixed metaphor? ... Boats did have cannons. And a loose one would cause it to rock." - The Mayor
Daniel: "I'm pathetic! I'm illiterate! I'm Cletus, the slack-jawed yokel!" - Willow. Yay! Simpsons reference!
90s Factoid:
Arc/Continuity Stuff:
- Spike is back, and crashed into the Welcome to Sunnydale sign again.
- Also, Spike is singing.
- Also, Spike is dumped.
- Willow owns 3,000 pink sweaters.
- Mayor and Deputy Alan. The Mayor knows who Spike is.
- Another Magic Shop, this one not underground.
- Xander's outrage about Willow's anti-lust spell is based in continuity goodness: "Are you nuts, or have you forgotten that I tend to have bad luck with these sorts of spells?"
- Spike's truce with Buffy was the beginning of the end of his romance with Dru.
- Dru dumped in him Brazil for a slime-and-antlers chaos demon. We will meet him in Crush.
- Joyce now knows that Angel is back, that Spike is bad, that Willow is a witch, and that Xander is a witch. Er.
- Oz can smell Willow even when he's human. As Cordelia says, "This is very disturbing."
- Oz and Cordelia finally catch Willow and Xander making bad life decisions.
Oz's Hair - strawberry blond
Dead Humans - 1
Dead Undeads - 4
Dead Flashbacks - 0
Giles Unconscious - 0
Giles Cleans His Glasses - 0
Buffy Breaks a Door - 0
Evil Reveal - 0
Unevil Reveal - 0
Shenanigans Called - 2
Apocalypse Called - 0