Episode 5.15: I Was Made to Love You. Original Airdate 2.20.01
"Buffy and her friends encounter an incredibly strong female robot with only one thing on its mind - love."
Daniel's Thoughts:
- Aww. The anticipation of the ending of this episode…
- Aww, Puffy Xander.
- “Or maybe you can just be Buffy; he’ll see your amazing heart and he’ll fall in love with you.” That’s the Xander I like. He’s rare.
- April the robot is adorable.
- I like Joyce’s dress from the boobs up. The Africa pattern is a bit weird.
- The spinning thing is very cute, though.
- “I’ve had two boyfriends. And they both left. I mean really left. Like left town, left.”
- TARA & ANYA talking and having a scene! There should be more of these!
- "Yes. I'm thinking of buying something really expensive. Maybe an antelope!"
- I want to see the website Anya designed!
- I love how all of Sunnydale U’s parties are themed.
- Oh man, Buffy is using the Cordelia laugh with Ben!
- And Willow has an ugly turtleneck on. Quel surprise.
- How long does it take Ben to dump his drink?
- I like James Marsters way more than I like Spike.
- Wow, that extra girl has been playing limbo for like 10 minutes.
- Yeah, we get it: “Coffee” is Buffy. Oh, Ben, how did you pass your medical exams?
- Oh cool. Willow’s going computer nerd!
- “I left my bra in his car”. It’s nice that Joyce can tease Buffy just as much Buffy teased her earlier.
- Aww, Oz shout out.
- Creepy Ted mention.
- Jeez, Spike is really good at traveling through sunlight. In the video game, there’s an entrance in the cellar. Also, there’s a cellar.
- I love Giles getting all badass with Spike. “We are not your friends.”
- Buffy is being really transfer-y right now.
- “She growls? You made her so she growls?”
- The ballad of April is so sad. It’s nice that Buffy is waiting with her while she…lets go.
- The actress, Shonda Farr, is really good. Especially here as she powers down. According to her IMDB page, she hasn't done a lot since.
- Xander should start his own business! It should be called "Very Good Construction."
- Buffybot a-comin!
- And then…yeah. Interesting that they did a little preview for next episode instead of waiting. I heard they were originally going to end the episode with Spike ordering a Buffybot.
Zelda's Thoughts:
- I love this episode but also I DON'T WANT TO BECAUSE JOYCE DIES AT THE END.
- I'm not ready.
- "I'm alive. I can tell 'cause of the pain." Oops Buffy beat up Puffy Xander.
- I love the actress who plays April. She's delightful. Poor April, though, her boyfriend sucks.
- "He's a nice, normal guy, okay?" // "I think I've heard of those."
- Joyce is all nervous and cute STAY ALIVE JOYCE.
- "I'm thinking about buying something very expensive. Maybe an antelope."
- I love that Anya's so smart about her money. Also computers. Daniel might have been right about Anya being the best.
- Oh Buffy, Ben is not a good option. He's a doof. And he can't act until he grows his beard and becomes a fake lawyer. Also he's Glory.
- Is this a commercial for chex mix? There's a closeup of Anya's snack.
- April's hair is so shiny and pin-straight. I want to pet it.
- Spike, again with the dumb strategy.
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I just keep laughing the more I stare at it. |
- "Bloody hell! You threw me through a window. What's that about?"
- "I've had it with super-strong little women who aren't me."
- Poor April. This is just awful.
- This episode is so weird. Like, a lot of funny lines, but there's just something slightly odd about everyone.
- I just got really sad because I recognized the shirt Buffy's wearing. Motherfucker.
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You know the shirt I mean. |
- Reminder that Ben is Glory, Glory is Ben.
- Oh look, Warren is a bad boyfriend to robots and humans alike.
- Giles is breaking out his scary Ripperness.
- Also Spike has a reflection.
- I'm amazed April isn't in stilettos. Those are some comfy looking sandals.
- Uh oh, Warren, you've ignited Buffy's rage on behalf of the abandoned women.
- Poor Katrina. First April almost kills her, then next season Warren actually kills her.
- "But I can be whatever you want. I love you. I'll do whatever you want."
- Yay Katrina, you dump Warren's ass. You deserve so much better. So does April.
- Everyone deserves better than Warren Mears.
- "Crying is blackmail. Good girlfriends don't cry." Fuck you, Warren.
- It's weird we get April's death scene. And we don't get Joyce's. "It's getting dark," she says, and it's so sad.
- Do we think it's significant that April powered off before she said the word "dawn?" Asking for a friend.
- Oh look Xander's doing his job. That's rather sweet. And he's good at it.
- I'm actually welling up knowing what's coming. This is not okay.
- Oh I forgot Spike showed up at the end of the episode. Kind of a fun twist, you think he put everything in the box in a rage with the intent of throwing it out, but it was actually for a bot request.
- "Mommy?" FUCK.
Favorite Lines:
Daniel: "She speaks with a strange evenness and selects her words a shade too precisely." - Anya
Zelda: "Um, well, we listened to aggressively cheerful music sung by people chosen for their ability to dance, then we ate cookie dough and talked about boys." - Giles the Babysitter
Arc/Continuity Stuff:

- First appearance: Warren Assface Mears, Katrina
- Recurring: Joyce, Tara, Ben, Glory
- Buffy's still upset about Spike's crush.
- Shoutout to Oz. ==>
- Warren was at Sunnydale with Buffy and crew, and knows who she is.
- Shoutout to Ted, the other bad robot boyfriend (and none for Moloch Weiners)
Anya's Hair - blonde, curly, shoulder-length
Dead Humans - 1
Dead Undeads - 1
Giles Unconscious - 0
Giles Cleans His Glasses - 0
Buffy Breaks a Door - 0
Spike Breaks a Window with His Body - 1
Evil Reveal - 0
Unevil Reveal - 0
Shenanigans Called - 0
Apocalypse Called - 0
"And none for Moloch Weiners." Brilliant! :D
ReplyDeleteEven April plays "kick the spike. .."